Thursday, May 30, 2013

Two Years and Ten Boxes…

It’s hard to believe that we have passed the Two Year Anniversary of owning our home.  It was such a big goal for us for so long.  Even now it is hard to believe that this is our house.  Although it could also be that we still have 75% of our lives in boxes.  Nothing says “We don’t really live here” like a mountain of boxes.  Nothing has been unpacked that wasn’t necessary, until this weekend when I got to enjoy unpacking my books.  Not all of them of course, but enough to make me smile for 3 days straight.  It’s ridiculous I know, but there are very few things that make me as happy as seeing a bookcase full of books.  Now I just need to convince Eric that of course the other bookcases are more important than finishing the kitchen, a second bathroom, or his office…Yeah so not happening, but a girl can dream.  And by the time I’m done reading the 700+ books I haven’t seen in 2 years (plus a few I may have bought recently), maybe we’ll be finished with all the other areas.  I have plans to put books everywhere in our home.  Old Hardback books mixed in with other things in the Living room and Dining room, a bookcase built into the Landing upstairs for kids and casual reading (Bean bags available upon request), a half-wall bookcase in the bedroom for more paperbacks, and a full wall bookcase in our guest room (otherwise known as the ‘Library’) for all the other books I have and want (I still own the encyclopedias I used to write reports in Middle School before you could Google anything you wanted to know).  I’m even having a bookcase built on the end of my kitchen island – but that one is for Cookbooks so it kind of doesn’t count. Even if you don't get as giddy as I do looking at that full bookcase in my craft room, anyone who sees it knows that it represents progress.  Not only do we live here but we are settling in to stay.   

Monday, September 19, 2011

Do I need another list?!?!

So here is a picture that is almost as scary as...well I'm sure there has to be something that is scarier out there but it's hard to think of anything...

That's right - it's our to-do list!  It's not even our " the whole house is done and we can sit back and relax" to-do list.  No - this is our "have to get it done before winter" to-do list!!  Now here is the kicker - this isn't really "our" list - this is Eric's to-do list.  My poor husband is never going to sleep again.  It's not that I wont help, but the majority of these items are things I can't do without him.  Obviously you can't read all the items on here but trust me when I say they are all the small and large things that need to happen in order to make our home more comfortable for winter and that will help us move onto the more of the "fun" stuff.

Instead of listing all of the things we need to do, I just wanted to generally update everyone on what we are currently working on.

1.  Selecting a color for our entry, hallways, staircase and upstairs landing
                  Some ideas of what inspire us
So we have the creamy white color that we want to use for not only the wainscoting but for all of the molding and ceilings as well - so obviously that isn't the issue.  Our problem is the tan/linen color we want to use - there are 5 MILLION shades of brown and I think I have looked at all of them...

Here were the 3 choices we thought would looked good...

Yeah - not so much...So it's back to our pile of colors.  Cross your fingers (and your toes) that we can figure out a good color before our walls are covered with 4x6 inch color spots.      

2.  Finish the new walls in the Entry and Dining we can paint them.

3.  Install the laminate floors...YAY no more "shoes on, shoes off" moving from room to room.

4.  Finish painting the bookcase for the Library/Guest room - halfway done and counting.

So that's it for now.  Nothing too crazy or life altering (well, maybe the whole shoe thing - I hate shoes) - hopefully I will have another update soon.