Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Time flies when your having...okay sometimes it just flies

Okay so it's been awhile since I updated this, but I doubt too many people have been holding their breath waiting for more of what we have been doing so I don't feel too guilty.  To those who have been waiting I'M SORRY, but really did you expect anything else from me?  After I posted the last update, I got a few requests for more "after" pictures of all the work that we did on the house.  I decided to post a bunch of the older pictures before I move on to what we are currently working on.  So here you go...  

Just a sample of the nastiness of the carpet 
All the rooms where stripped down to this - no carpet, no outlet covers and no window shades
Kitchen wall that is no more
See above :)

Pantry that we changed
Except for the garbage - this is still how my sink looks - stupid peninsula...

The hole that is in my kitchen (and that Pinky decided to jump into at the first opportunity)
Start of the new wall dividing the new kitchen and new dining room
The other half of the wall
More of the wall but also the start of enclosing the (stupid, dirty) ledge
The kitchen with the wall out and the framing for the fridge
Well that is all of the older pictures for now, unless someone requests something specific...