Sunday, June 12, 2011

Two Weeks?!

WOW! It's hard to believe over two weeks have already gone by since we officially became homeowners.  We have been hard at work and I have some results to share.  Basically, we spent the first two weeks gutting our house.  We knew going in we wanted to take everything out but HOLY COW we have gone to town.  Thank goodness we have finally started working on cleaning what is left and installing new things, and by 'we' I mean Eric and his dad!  I unfortunately had to work all week, but I did my part today.  Here are some of the before and after pictures and descriptions of what we have been doing.  A huge THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! to everyone who has helped us get this far, we hope you still like us and want to visit when we are done using all your skills, muscles and time - xoxo.

~~~~ Upstairs ~~~~

This is our upstairs landing.  We took out all of the flooring in every room (well two rooms are still waiting to be done - but it is going too).  

There are 4 bedrooms and a bathroom off the landing.  Hopefully we will have carpet within two weeks - it's a must have before moving in!

This is a before and after of our upstairs bathroom.  We plan to redo this room pretty much last since we have two other bathrooms but it was pretty gross and we didn't want to leave anything in the house that will keep the cigarette smell.  

So this room will get a coat of sealer and we will keep the door shut - at least for now.

This is a wall in our master bedroom.  As you can see below we added a closet.  Why?  Because one of the only downsides to this house (the other being the original size of the kitchen) is that there is NO TUB in the master bath!! 
 So I had to decide between no tub and a walk-in closet or a smaller, but still twice what I have now, and a tub.  Duh, I went with the tub.  I don't NEED more clothes - right?!

The rest of the rooms upstairs are pretty much staying the same.  Right now they are sub floors, windows and walls that have been washed, patched and sanded.  All we have left to do before moving in is seal everything, and have the carpet installed.  YAY!
This room is an example of just how many holes and dents I had to fix today - in every room.  I swear I filled at least a thousand holes - the bigger patches of filler are almost all made up of about 10-20 holes super close together.  Our best guess is they liked to throw darts - but who knows.

~~~~ Downstairs ~~~~

 The Biggest change we are making to the house is how the kitchen and dining room are situated.  The kitchen was WAY TOO SMALL!!  So we are eliminating the tiny dining room and moving it forward into the extra living room space and expanding the kitchen into the current dining room location. 
When I finally have everything in - this kitchen will be AWESOME!  However it will take me many many moons to save up for everything I want : (

This is the Family/Living room.  We didn't like the fireplace so we got a little demo happy...

...well we wanted to change it anyways so I guess now is as good a time as any.

 Here is the view from the current dining room area through the kitchen and into the living room.  It made ths whole space look twice as big and all we did was remove half of a wall!! Oh yeah, and everything in the place was thrown out's the little things that make the biggest difference...

And this is the view from the kitchen into...the other half of the kitchen : )

 This is looking down into the new dining room - see my new wall and arch.  It is going to look fabulous when it is all done!!

A different view of my new wall...

This is also pretty cool - we got rid of that horrible ledge!!  When Eric cleaned ledge off - it was black...eewwww....

 And finally...This is the view from my new kitchen into the new dining room and out the HUGE front window.

Well that is it for now.  A side note though - some of my 'before' pictures were from before we bought the house...someone was a little too excited to get started and forgot to take before pictures.  
So that is NOT our stuff : )